Quality and professionalism at our core.

Certified Interpretations and Translations offers professional, accurate, and high-quality translation and interpretation services from any language to American English. Additionally, Certified Interpretations and Translations offers TJBCC (Texas Judicial Branch Certification Commission) and AOC (Administrative Offices of the Court) certified court translators for courts of law within the states of Texas and New Mexico. Our translation services are accepted in (but are not limited to) civil, penal, administrative, and probate courts of law. CIT (Certified Interpretations and Translations) additionally offers professional, accurate, high-quality, and affordable translation services from any language to American English for use by government agencies, attorneys at law, commercial or not-for-profit entities, and for personal use.

With nearly a decade of experience faithfully and competently serving the El Paso community, Certified Interpretations and Translations is the best choice in the region for professional translation services.

Operationalize your translations and remove language barriers.

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Texas Judicial Branch Certification Commission Certified & Certified by the Administrative Offices of the Court

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